№9 Gallery

01030051021, Sole Proprietor, Ketevan Kobakhidze

Contact us

You can contact us for any information

Working Hours: Tuesday to Sunday 14:00 - 20:00

Adress: Dimitri Uznadze str 9 Tbilisi,Georgia

Phone: +995 599 117 840

e-mail: iovadzem@gmail.com


Terms of delivery, exchange and return

Purchasing an item:

№9 Gallery is obliged to check the purchased item and deliver it to the customer without any damages on the indicated address.

If the purchased item is damaged, the customer is authorized not to accept it. In this case, on the basis of an act signed between the customer and the courier, the company will fully reimburse the cost by transfer in 4 (four) bank days. In all other cases items cannot be returned.

Exchanging an item:

When the customer accepts the purchased item and then, maximum in one day brings it to the №9 Gallery on the following address: Tbilisi, Dimitri Uznadze str 9, working hours: 14:00-20:00, the N9 Gallery administration will check the item and if it is not damaged, the customer can exchange it for any item of the same value or of a higher value, adding the difference.

Confidentiality Policy:

№9 Gallery highly respects personal information confidentiality. Including: the name, address, telephone and email.Your personal information will be used according to the Law of Georgia on Personal Data Protection.

Terms of delivery:

Standard courier service:

Orders until 4:00 pm. will be provided by standard delivery on the same day before 8:00 pm, orders received after 4:00 pm will delivered on next day.

About Us